From the workshop to your door
Each bouquet is lovingly prepared by our florists and shipped from our florist as soon as it is ready.
Flowers that last longer
In some bouquets, some of the flowers are included slightly closed to ensure their freshness, protect them during shipping and allow their opening to be admired.
Customize it
You can add a message to the bouquet of your flowers during the purchase process.
Specific References
Ficus Benjamina
This shrub is perfect to decorate a corner of the house, although it can also live outdoors in climates where there is no frost, but we recommend keeping it indoors and if you prefer to, take it out during good weather conditions, placed in semi-shade and reenter it in autumn. This plant likes light, but not being exposed to full sunlight. It is not too demanding in terms of watering, we recommend a fine mist with the sprayer daily, except in winter, and watering the substrate twice a week in summer and every 10 days in winter. We recommend pruning the top to keep it leafy, every 3 months we will cut the last 2/3 leaves of each twig, except in winter.
Today there are three sizes available:
Small: 80cm -100cm
Medium: 120cm -140cm
Big: 160cm -180cm
Today there are three sizes available:
Small: 80cm -100cm
Medium: 120cm -140cm
Big: 160cm -180cm
By continuing, you will indicate the day and the delivery address and you will formalize the purchase.
You can also include your dedication or message before payment.
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