From the workshop to your door
Each bouquet is lovingly prepared by our florists and shipped from our florist as soon as it is ready.
Flowers that last longer
In some bouquets, some of the flowers are included slightly closed to ensure their freshness, protect them during shipping and allow their opening to be admired.
Customize it
You can add a message to the bouquet of your flowers during the purchase process.
Specific References
Group Of Orchids
Group of purple phalaenopsis orchids in white ceramic pot. This plant is one of the most admired for its beauty in the orchid family, its care is not very complicated, but it is a delicate indoor plant and well cared it can last up to 3 years. It blooms 2 or 3 times a year and each stick can support up to 20 flowers. Once the flowers have withered, pruning is recommended. This plant does not like extreme temperatures or drafts, therefore we will have it in a place in the house or office sheltered from possible drafts and directly exposed to natural light, it does not like dry weather either, a humid climate is perfect. In winter we must water it once a week, a glass is enough, in summer and spring, increase ir up to 2/3 times a week, the key is that the soil is always humid without g[...]
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